
Guest Artist 2014 – Ron Samworth

For our 2014 South Delta Jazz Festival we welcome Ron Samworth.

ron samworthGuitarist/Composer Ron Samworth has been playing and teaching music professionally for over 30 years. Critically acclaimed as one of Canada’s leading jazz guitarists and improvisers, Samworth brings his passion for jazz, rock, blues, classical, pop and folk music together in a fusion that represents the breadth of his musical experiences. He leads the celebrated Vancouver-based quartet Talking Pictures and co-directed the NOW Orchestra for ten years and the Indie rock bands Darkblueworld and the Luscious. He is also a member of the Peggy Lee Band, Birds of Paradox and the Hard Rubber Orchestra. His has performed and recorded with numerous international artists including Mary Margaret O’Hara, John Zorn, Dave Douglas, Robin Holcomb and Wayne Horvitz.

He has performed in major venues and festivals in New York, Berlin, Paris, Lisbon,Amsterdam, Vienna, and extensively across Canada. He has been awarded numerous Canada Council awards from 1985 to the present. In 1990 he won the CBC/Alcan Grand Prix Concours de Jazz with the group Creatures of Habit. He has been nominated for multiple Jessie and Dora awards for his theatre collaborations, West Coast music awards, short listed for a SOCAN songwriting award, and Canadian Jazz critic awards for best jazz guitarist and top ensemble (Talking Pictures) in 2004 and 2005.

He was a faculty member of the Banff Center Jazz Workshop in 2009 and has taught at the Capilano University jazz studies programme since 1997. He has conducted workshops and lecture/demonstrations at universities and conservatories across Canada and Europe. Ron enjoys teaching all levels and abilities. His approach is relaxed and easy-going, placing the enjoyment of music and each individual’s specific needs above formal objectives and methodology. In short, he wants everyone to feel like music is fun and uplifting!


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Workshop Faculty for 2014

This Year we are welcoming back some familiar faces and also welcoming some new people to our 2014 Workshop Faculty.  Joining us this year are our Workshop Directors Brad Muirhead and Stephen Robb.  Also teaching once again this year are Len Aruliah (saxes), Dr. Jared Burrows, Rob Kohler, and “Steamin'” Stan Taylor on the Drums.  We will also be announcing a couple of special guest artists this summer as well in the coming weeks.

New to this year’s faculty will be Kevin Lee, (trumpet). Kevin is  a well established local jazz player and educator, teaching for many years in the Surrey School district and leading the bands at Semiahoo Secondary School in Surrey. Kevin will be a welcome addition to this year’s faculty.


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